Assessor Elders
Miss Sheena McNaughton
The first ruling elders were inducted. These were Colin Guy, Robert Campbell and Alexander Brown.
On 13th February the first Statutory Meeting of the congregation of Castlemilk West Parish Church was held in Arnprior School and those elected to the Congregational Committee were Miss Mary Dunlop, Miss Isobel Wright, Mrs Isabella Rose, Mr Thomas McEwan, Mr James Stevenson, Mr Bertram Johnston, Mr Alex. Erskine, Mr James Dool and Mr John Crichton.
The church outgrew its first home, the builders' hut, and its second home, Arnprior School, which had been in use since the end of November, 1955. By 31st March there were two services on a Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., both held in Castleton School.
By September the church had almost 500 members, and was increasing weekly.
Work commenced on the church building in June and the Foundation Stone for the new church, which cost over £40,000 including the site on Carmunnock Road, was laid on Saturday, 28th September, at 3pm, by the Right Hon. Walter Elliot, C.H. M.C. M.P., Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly.
The first assistant minister, Rev. R.R. Hunt B.D., formerly chaplain to the H.L.I. and the Scots Guards came to work in the church.
The first edition of the “Castlemilk Crusader”, the church magazine appeared in September.
In September, the newly created Action Group, 140 in number, undertook a Mission of Friendship in the parish to invite people to church.
The Men's Association and the Woman's Guild met in Arnprior School on Monday and Wednesday evenings respectively.
The Girls' Guildry met on Tuesday evening in Arnprior School, and the Life Boys in Castleton School, the Squibs on Monday and the Boys' Brigade on Friday, both in Castleton School. The Choir met in Castleton School on Wednesday.
The first Social and Dance was held on 31st May in Castleton School and the sum raised was £22 7s. 3d. The average weekly offering for May, June and July, was £29 8s. 4d., £29 12s. 8d., £23 7s. 11d. respectively, which was double the amount for the same three months the previous year. The total offerings for the three months, August to October, was £401 9s 4d.
On the weekend 23rd-24th November eighteen Sunday School teachers held a weekend conference at Wiston Lodge, Biggar.
On 15th December, three elders were inducted, Andrew Clarkson, William Fleming and John Rennie. Thomas McEwan, James Stevenson, Henry Rose and Archibald Dick were ordained to the eldership at the same time.
Building Fund boxes at this time were bringing in £7 10s. per month, Social and Dances £18 10s and Concerts over £10.
In December, Rev. R.R. Hunt B.D. was called to the charge of Buckie South Church.
The 44a Guildry Company was continuing apace on a Tuesday evening with the Rosebuds in the care of Miss McGee, the Greenwood under Miss McClue, Miss Beveridge and Miss Gray, and the Company section. The Guardian of the Company was Miss Isabel Wright.
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