Taken from the Castlemilk Crusader magazine, this is a history of the the church on Carmunnock Road, years 1955 to 1975along with some pictures from that era.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Rev David Montgomery was appointed to Hamilton Old Parish Church. Rev Alistair Kelly served in Castlemilk West Church from February to May.

A youth football team started up, and was run by Mr John Yuill of Glenacre Drive.

Full Status for the church was obtained in May.

The people of Castlemilk decided 2,000 to 10,000 to keep the Cathcart Ward a “dry” area, which meant that no public houses could be set up in the Castlemilk area.

The Leader of the Life Boy Team, Mr Jack Morrison of Croftfoot Parish, who along with Mr W. Picken of Mount Florida Church founded the B.B.Company five years previously, decided to give up his connection with the 18th Company and the leadership of the Life Boys. He was succeeded by Mr Alex. Millar of Dougrie Drive. Three Assistant Leaders, Miss E. Morton, Miss D. Robertson and Miss M. Robertson, all of Glenacre Quadrant, agreed to help Mr Millar.

There were 141 boys in the B.B. Company, making it one of the largest in the country, and they had four new officers, three of whom came through the ranks, Messrs T. Hamilton, T. Roberts and W. Shields. The fourth, G. Scott came from Cathcart South.

30 members of the Youth Club and Fellowship were to go camping to France in the summer, but instead, due to unforeseen circumstances, spent a memorable two weeks in Newquay.

Moira Dane and Adam Beattie, two members of the Club and Fellowship, got engaged.

The Sunday School Picnic went to Strathaven Park, and the tickets cost 3/6d for children and 5/6d for adults.

Miss Lesley McNair, a former leader of one of the Junior Sunday School Departments left for a missionary appointment in Africa.

341 Babies were on the Cradle Roll, i.e. children baptised in the Church and not yet of Sunday School age.

Margaret Thomson of Dougrie Road had the highest mark in the Girls' Guildry Bible Exam for the whole of Glasgow with 98% and Grace Masson of Carmunnock Road was second with 92½%. Both girls were members of 44b Company.

18th Company Boys'Brigade won the Glasgow B.B. Battalion Signalling Cup. The boys who were under Lieut. Hamilton were: Cpl Brian Wilson, Cpl Alex. Stephen, Cpl Brian McKenzie and Pte H. Marshall.

44a Company of the Girls' Guildry visited Windlaw Old Folks' Home in June to give a concert.

Rev. Donald Finlay Maclennan, previously in Caithness, and more recently locum in charge of a Church Extension church in Drumchapel, was appointed Colleague Minister in Castlemilk West.

The Church magazine, the Castlemilk Crusader, was delivered quarterly and free of charge to close to 3000 Protestant homes. Donations, by means of the Crusader box in the church for the first eight months of the year, amounted to £42 12s 6d.

Final costs for the church and the manse amounted to £43,338, according to the Home Board. The congregational liability was £13, 109, of which £4,406 had already been repaid.

A Parish Envelope Collection raised £113 2s.

The Church Football Team, under Mr Aitken, won the Scottish Churches Cup, and “but for a bit of bad luck with injuries towards the close of the season” might have won the League Championship as well. The youth team continued strongly under the guidance of Mr Yuill.

An entrance to the church from Glenacre Street was skilfully constructed by members of the Works' Committee, namely Mr Swinton, Mr Niven and Mr Barr. This was to minimise the danger to children from the heavy traffic on Carmunnock Road.

Mr Shearer, the Church Officer, and several members of the congregation painted most of the interior of the church building during the summer months.

Thirty ladies of the Woman's Guild responded to an appeal to help with the scrubbing out of the church and halls in the middle of September.

The Choir now attended both morning services on the first Sunday of each month.

After two Training Conferences and since they no longer had many of the responsibilities taken over by the newly formed Congregational Board, the elders conducted a mission to the parish.

The Youth Club meetings were continuing on Thursday evenings, and a group of the members climbed Ben Nevis on a week-end in May, and the Club Fellowship continued to meet on Sunday evenings.

81 boys re-enrolled in the Boys'Brigade for the new session, along with 42 new recruits, but they did require more officers. New officers appointed were Lt. William McLaren, who came through the ranks and Lt. Williams, a member of the congregation, who had been involved with the 63rd Glasgow Company. Four newly promoted Staff Sergeants were Andrew Tedcastle, Jas. Gorman, David Carrick and Robert Dunbar. There was no camp this year.

In wider Castlemilk, the Horticultural Society, started in 1956, had 40 members. The annual subscription was 3s6d. Winners in the 2nd Annual Flower Show were Mr D. Cameron of Ardencraig Drive and Mr H. Cantley of Downcraig Drive. The Garden Warden was Mr D. Kinghorn, and the secretary was Mrs M. S. Jamieson, both of Dougrie Road.
The Building Fund Boxes raised £546 18s 8d, a record total.

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