Taken from the Castlemilk Crusader magazine, this is a history of the the church on Carmunnock Road, years 1955 to 1975along with some pictures from that era.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

1960 (Part 2)

The following members were ordained and admitted to the office of Eldership:  Messrs. John Lawrence, Alexander McLachlan, Donald Macleod, John Millarvie, Henry Ritchie and William Shields.

On 28th March a disastrous fire took the lives of nineteen firemen in the Anderston district of Glasgow. One of those who died was Fireman Daniel Robertson of Arnprior Road. He had been a member of the Congregational Board for a time. He left a young widow and two children. A retiring offering for the Fire Relief Fund raised £26.

In May, the Youth Club, nearly 60 of them, did a twenty-two mile walk, including a climb to the summit of Ben Lomond, “which on a smog-free day could be seen from Cathkin Braes”. The walk was done during a Saturday night and Sunday morning. They left Castlemilk at 6.30 p.m. by bus and headed for Balmaha. At Rowardennan they had something to eat and at midnight began the climb. After the climb breakfast was eaten at Rowardennan, they walked back to Balmaha and got the bus home again.

Sixteen ladies from the Woman's Guild went in July to Oberammergau to see the Passion Play.

The Kirk Session, looking to the future decided to have a permanent closed circuit television plant installed to relay services to the hall should the congregation worshipping on Sunday mornings become too large for the services in the church.

190 boys enrolled in the 18th team of the Life Boys. They had 8 staff, four of whom were from Croftfoot Parish Church.

The Manse changed from Fairfax Avenue to Old Castle Road during the summer.

The Girls' Guildry celebrated its 60th anniversary, having been started by Dr William Sommerville in Anderston Church, as a similar organisation to the Boys' Brigade.

In the week preceding the Fair Holiday, for the first time, 40 to 50 children, in the 10 to 12 age group, attended a holiday school in the Church Hall, run by Miss McNaughton and several assistants. The sessions were from 9.30 to 12.30 each day.

On Sunday, 27th November, ordained elders Mr William Strain, of Birgidale Avenue and Mr James Gilchrist of Carmunnock Road were admitted to the Kirk Session of Castlemilk West, and the following were ordained and admitted at the same service: Messrs John Fennemore of Birgidale Road, Robert Neill of Drakemire Drive, Angus Matheson of Croftfoot Road and Samuel Doak of Birgidale Road.

The new storeroom under the stairway of the church was officially opened on 4th December by the Rev. D. Macleod. Mr Robert Young and later Mr Swinton, convener of the Works Committee, along with seven or eight volunteers completed the work.

The offerings from August to December 1960 amounted to £1,213 3s 5d.

The death was announced of Mr A.E. Dickson of Cathcart Old Parish Church who served in Castlemilk West as founder Session Clerk for a number of years. At the beginning of every service on the 11th December the congregation stood while the minister paid tribute to Mr Dickson. He had been an elder in his own church for twenty-four years and Session Clerk for fifteen years.

On 25th December the chimes rang out from the church for the first time.

The membership of the church rose from 988 to 1,104, 68 members joined by Profession of Faith, 79 by Disjunction Certificate and 3 were restored to full membership. 29 Disjunction Certificates were issued during the year and 5 members died.

957 out of 1,104 members participated in the Freewill Offering Scheme, although “some members preferred the Open Method”.

Mr and Mrs J. Henderson of Holmbyre Terrace celebrated their Golden Wedding on Boxing Day.

Miss Moira Dane of Dougrie Road, a prominent member of the Youth Club received a presentation on leaving to take up nursing at the Southern General Hospital.

The total amount raised for repayment to the Building Fund during 1960 was £1,138, and this was partly made up from £65 from the Sunday School, £21 14s from the choir, £10 from the Men's Association, £11 from the Young Mothers' Group, £38 from a Jumble Sale, 10s from an anonymous donation, and £210 17s 1d from the Building Fund Boxes.

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