1964 (Part 2)
In the first week of July there was a Summer School for youngsters. Instead of the expected 40 or 50 children well over 100 arrived on the Monday and this attendance was maintained throughout the week.In Castlemilk East Church, on 24th September, the Rev. R.D. Ross was inducted to the charge which had been vacant since the previous October. Mr Ross's previous charge had been Rockvilla Church in Possilpark.
Mr John D. Sutherland who had been Assistant in Castlemilk West for a year left, and hoped to find a charge of his own. The Rev. Samuel Mohlomi from Basutoland who had been in Castlemilk West for a month went to London to continue his studies before returning home to his own people.
Donations to the “Crusader” magazine continued to rise and for the first eight months amounted to £52 16s, and in this amount was a cheque for ten dollars from Rev. Robert McDill who was now in his own charge in Missouri Valley, Iowa.
The total sum collected in the Castlemilk area during Christian Aid Week was £255. This amount was down slightly from the total of the previous year.
Following the death of Mr William Thomson of Glenacre Drive, the neighbours gave the sum they had collected, to put standard roses at the entrance to the church. The remainder was used to decorate the church over the Christmas period.
The church magazine, the Castlemilk Crusader, was placed 2nd out of 350 entries in the British Weekly Awards for Evangelism in Print. Fernhill and Cathkin church magazine came 3rd. The British Weekly had this to say about the Crusader,”Full of church news certainly, but keenly aware of what is happening in the large housing estate all around it. Among the hundreds of magazines around me during the judging it caught my eye and compelled me to lift it. An attractive cover features a news photo from the district. Inside, the make-up is lively – no lengthy columns of type to wade through, interesting headlines and a sprinkling of bright photos.”
Messrs John Crichton of Glenacre Terrace, Alex. Erskine of Arnprior Road, Hugh Gilchrist of Arnprior Quad., Ian Prentice of Simshill, John Smith of Simshill and John Taylor of Glenacre Drive were ordained as elders on Sunday, 22nd November.
The total number on the roll of the church at 31st December was 1,278. 80 were admitted by profession, 31 by certificate and 6 by restoration. 63 were removed by certificate, 14 by death and 49 otherwise.
Another £1000 was repaid off the Building Fund debt, leaving £4,768 still to be repaid.
The offerings for the year came to £3,007 7s 4d.
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