Taken from the Castlemilk Crusader magazine, this is a history of the the church on Carmunnock Road, years 1955 to 1975along with some pictures from that era.

Monday, 16 November 2009

1963 (Part 2)

In preparation for the coming of the new minister the Works Committee, assisted by several members of the congregation, carried out an extensive programme of repairs and renovations at the Manse. Among other things they flush-panelled about twenty doors, installed a new hot-water boiler and renovated electric wiring and points. Several ladies also helped by scrubbing floors after the painters had finished.

The sum of £136 was collected for the presentations made at the Welcome Social.

A party of twenty ladies from the parish enjoyed a week's holiday at Craigengower, the Church of Scotland Rest Home at Tighnabruaich during the first week in May. Miss McNaughton was in charge of the party and was assisted by several church members who forfeited a week of their holidays.

In an attempt to co-ordinate all the youth activities, a Youth Council was formed under the chairmanship of Peter Morrison. A new youth group for those in their twenties, known as the Templars, was started by the Rev. Bob McDill. The youth also formed their own prayer and study group, meeting once a week. Mr Macleod, the Elder Youth Adviser, made the youth work in the church “an integral part of his life”.

The total offerings for the months January to April amounted to £982 5s 6d.

The annual display of the Boys' Brigade Company took place on 1st June in the Coplaw Street Drill Hall. The Summer Camp went to St. Helens, Isle of Wight and about 60 members went.

The Life Boys Annual Display was held in Castleton School and the admission programme cost 1s 6d.

The church football team won the Glasgow Churches five-a-side cup, out of an entry of thirty-three teams.

Glasgow Corporation was considering disposing of the 1890 Act which stated that no licences to sell drink were allowed in municipal housing schemes.

Mrs Isabel Millar, the minister's wife became President of the Woman's Guild.

The new deaconess, Miss Jean Grigor, with several years' experience in teaching replaced Miss Sheena McNaughton. Miss McNaughton, who had been in Castlemilk West for seven years and had done a tremendous amount of work from running training classes for Sunday School Teachers to setting up the Young Mothers' Group and visiting the aged and sick , had moved on to Glenrothes. At a large gathering in the church Miss Muriel McEwan presented her with a cheque for £60 on behalf of the church and parish. Presentations were also made on behalf of the Young Mothers' Group, the Youth Club and the White Heather Club. The Sunday School had already made their presentation to her.

The Rev. John Sutherland replaced Rev. Bob McDill, who was one of the most popular Assistants Castlemilk West had had. Mrs McDill also took an active part in the church life, and enjoyed singing in the choir especially. He, his wife and their baby daughter returned to America.

The church roof needed to be repaired to ensure it was watertight and a group of volunteers successfully took on the job.

Dorothy McWee of Dougrie Drive, a Sunday School teacher in the Primary Department at Arnprior Road School was made Girls' Captain of King's Park Secondary School.

Mr and Mrs Hewitt of Glenacre Terrace had five children, one child in each department of the Sunday School in this year.

Messrs. James Aitken of Carmunnock Road, David Currie of Glenacre Quad., James Dool of Dougrie Drive, William Kent of Stravanan Road, William Neil of Birgidale Road, and Charles Rough of Dougrie Road were ordained as elders.

A Reception and Welcome Social for members who had joined the church during 1963 was held in the church hall and “was likely to become an annual event”.

The church roll at 31st December, 1963 was 1,287, and the offering for the year amounted to £2,897 9s 8d. The House Boxes raised £597 5s 6d.

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