Taken from the Castlemilk Crusader magazine, this is a history of the the church on Carmunnock Road, years 1955 to 1975along with some pictures from that era.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

I don't have any more material from the Castlemilk Crusaders, but sometime soon I will publish some old photos from the history of the church.    So, watch this space!

To view the whole blog from the beginning go to the foot to " 2009", and then to Castlemilk West -An Early History.

The story begins in 1955.


  1. Found this when looking for my cousin .. Mr Ian Paterson ..

    Last saw him in 1972 and would love to know where he is.. I believe he is now an ordained minister in the Baptist Church

    if anyone knows of his whereabouts please get in touch



  2. Just came across your blog....its fantastic

